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August 2, 2013

It's Just Hair

Just as it may not be right to judge a book by it's cover, admittedly, society tends to form first impressions of people based on their outward appearance. Cloth line, shoes, cars we drive, nails, make-up, and the prominent of first impressions -hairdo.

With that said, what does your hair say about your personality? We all know that it is what's on the inside that really defines a person. But your appearance, including your hair are a part of total package for anyone looking forward in their career or in life and should be considered as something you'd improve just like your resume.

As far as hair care and styling habits are concerned. From a natural and simple, weaved, braided, cut to hue and wild, it is good be sure that your appearance is accurately conveying your true self the best way you can be, as donning certain hairstyles might get you treated differently simply because of it.

Even after all is said and done, i still feel we shouldn't allow ourselves to get narrowed down to bowing to every whim, believes or someone else's ignorance. Because no matter how you cautiously style your hair, someone will get offended. Embrace your natural hair texture? Some women and men label it unattractive. Rock a perm? You have no idea who you are. Love your weaves? You just don't love your hair. Get a cut? You are not serious. Yes, they'll never run out of opinions.

Human nature, and our view of ourselves is richly complex with multiple layers. We cannot run away from these social rules which define our daily existence. But the way you carry yourself, your attitude, and confidences that shows when you are rocking any hairdo. Whoever judges, the judgement states a lot about them. Fit in your box and flaunt your self-expression. Wear the hair, don't let the hair wear you.

Everyone is unique in their own way. My way can never be your way, but why is that wrong? We are all in a journey of self-love and self-acceptance. Any kind of fundamentalism, which by its nature must define one or several kinds of behaviors as wrong, limits our humanity and freedom to empathize with others.


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